Health Diary by MedM icon

Health Diary by MedM : MedM Inc


Download Health Diary by MedM APK for Android - Free - Latest Version

Latest Version

Name Health Diary by MedM APK
Version 3.0.754
Updated 2024-12-28
Developer MedM Inc
Installs 148,203
Category Medical

Health Diary by MedM

The world’s only holistic health monitoring diary that can collect 20+ measurement types from 800+ Bluetooth-enabled sensors. MedM Health is more than a vital sign log book for blood pressure and glucose, body weight and temperature, heart rate and

The world’s only holistic health monitoring diary that can collect 20+ measurement types from 800+ Bluetooth-enabled sensors. MedM Health is more than a vital sign log book for blood pressure and glucose, body weight and temperature, heart rate and oxygen saturation, it is a comprehensive health diary app that supports users in taking control: reaching their wellness goals, managing a chronic condition, improving their quality of life. MedM health is a single entry point for tracking, journaling, analyzing, and sharing (with family or caregivers) of 20+ types of recorded physiological & wellness parameters: 1. Blood Pressure 2. Blood Glucose (Blood Sugar) 3. Blood Cholesterol 4. Blood Lactate 5. Blood Uric Acid 6. Blood Ketone 7. Body Weight 8. Blood Coagulation 9. Activity 10. ECG 11. Sleep 12. Motion/Pedometer 13. Fetal Doppler 14. Heart Rate 15. Oxygen Saturation 16. Spirometry 17. Body Temperature 18. Respiration Rate 19. Blood Triglycerides 20. Blood Hemoglobin 21. Urine Test Data can be collected automatically from connected fitness and health monitors or entered manually via the Smart Entry interface. MedM Health does not require registration, but with it - offers synchronization and backups with a cloud service. Unregistered users can keep their health diaries in offline mode (data stored only on their smartphone). Please note that some features require a subscription that is available only for registered users. Basic Features: - Automatic data collection from an unlimited number of connected health meters - Manual data entry - App use with or without registration - Online data backups for registered users - Reminders for taking medications & making measurements - Configurable dashboard - Measurements history, trends, and graphs - Basic data export - A two-week free MedM Health Premium trial Premium Features: - Multiple health profiles for family (including pets) - Data sync with connected health ecosystems (Apple, Garmin, Google, Fitbit, etc.) - Health profiles sharing - Remote health monitoring (via the app or MedM Health Portal) - Notifications for threshold, reminders, and goals - Special offers from MedM partners and more Data safety: MedM employs all applicable data protection best practices - cloud synchronization via HTTPS, data is stored encrypted on securely hosted servers. Users exercise full control over their records and can export or request to delete them at any time. User health data is never sold or shared with unauthorized parties. MedM is the absolute world leader in smart medical device connectivity - we support Bluetooth, NFC, and ANT+ meters by the following vendors: A&D Medical, AndesFit, Andon Health, AOJ Medical, Berry, BETACHEK, Borsam, Beurer, ChoiceMMed, CMI Health, Conmo, Contec, CORE, Cosinuss, D-Heart, EZFAST, FindAir, Finicare, Fleming Medical, Fora Care Inc., iChoice, Indie Health, iProven, i-SENS, Jerry Medical, J-Style, Jumper Medical, Kinetik Wellbeing, Masimo, MicroLife, Mio, MIR, Nonin, Omron, Oxiline, PIC, Roche, Rossmax, Sinocare, SmartLAB, TaiDoc, Tanita, TECH-MED, Transtek, Tyson Bio, Viatom, Vitalograph, Yonker, Zewa Inc. and more. NOTE! Device compatibility can be checked here: Disclaimer: MedM Health is intended for non-medical, general fitness and wellness purposes only. Always consult a doctor before making any medical decisions

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