oscER Jr. San Diego icon

oscER Jr. San Diego : NAMI - San Diego


Download oscER Jr. San Diego APK for Android - Free - Latest Version

Latest Version

Name oscER Jr. San Diego APK
Version 5.5.1
Updated 2024-12-30
Developer NAMI - San Diego
ID org.oscer_jr.sandiego
Installs 600
Category Medical

oscER Jr. San Diego

oscER Jr. is a mobile app designed to help families and friends of those experiencing mental health crises navigate the often confusing array of emergency services, options, resources. oscER Jr. stands for Organized Support Companion in an Emergency

oscER Jr. is a mobile app designed to help families and friends of those experiencing mental health crises navigate the often confusing array of emergency services, options, resources. oscER Jr. stands for Organized Support Companion in an Emergency Situation, and was developed by families, peers, mental health professionals and medical responders.

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