Do you like action games?
Meet a simple but strategic game, Space Assassin.
Bring different types of weapon and get through the spaceship occupied by enemies.
Slay them with a long sword or use various weapon to eliminate robots.
Robots can monitor every movement.
If you walked into their sights, they would start attacking you.
Each boss has different attack patterns.
Shooting multiple or wide shots at a time, using electric guns, or spraying poison to inflicit lasting damage.
Get a grasp on each pattern and eliminate bosses.
Weapon Type
Long Sword - Approach quickly and inflict damage
Pistol - Inflicit damage at a long distance
Dagger - A weapon used by Ninja, inflict damage at a long distance
SMG - Shoot multiple shots at a long distance
ICE GUN - Shoot cold ice and freeze enemies
Rail Gun - Shoot electric rails
RPG(Rocket) - Inflicit more powerful damage than other weapon at a long distance
Download the action game now, and you'll lose track of time!